Monday 4 November 2013

Special One-Day Seminar in Trinidad
 led by President of
Maharishi University of Management,
Fairfield, Iowa, USA
Dr. Bevan Morris
Saturday 16 Nov. 11 am – 3.30 pm
 Maharishi Institute, Caratal
This seminar will be pure inspiration from start to finish. Don't miss this great opportunity for you to discover all about Maharishi's life, vision and achievements, and the unbelievable scope of this Movement, presented by a very enlightened speaker. Understand and see what Maharishi has done in a completely new way. You will learn how world events are being influenced by the rising consciousness you are helping to create, and will hear riveting news of clear signs of the dawning of a heavenly age on earth. 
Seminar highlights
·         Maharishi's final, beautiful, tender wishes and revelations for the world in January 2008, and the extraordinary progress since then to fulfil these wishes
·         Rising world consciousness, and new openness everywhere to Maharishi's Consciousness Based programmes
·         The need to create national groups to create coherence, and for Maharishi National Yagya performances for every country
·         Seminar illustrated with 200+ slides from around the world
·         Opportunity for questions and answers
·         His anecdote-rich presentation draws on his 40+ years with Maharishi and teaching around the world. It includes information about structuring of the Movement for the future

Bevan Morris has been president of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa for 32 years.
He is also president of the Maharishi World Peace Fund, Maharishi Foundation, and a founder of the Natural Law Party, as well as serving on the boards of many other remarkable organizations promoting world peace and Consciousness Based Education.
He is an absolute encyclopaedia of Maharishi’s knowledge, having sat by Maharishi’s side for decades. The stories he tells of the status and expansion of the Transcendental Meditation movement are utterly astonishing. He has scores, perhaps hundreds of notebooks of Maharishi’s words recorded over 4 or more decades, and has an uncanny ability to paraphrase Maharishi in ways that are easy to follow, while retaining the precise wording of Maharishi’s key phrases.
And finally, he is a spellbinding speaker – softly spoken with riveting delivery. You will love him.

COST: $75.00 Lunch and tea included 
RSVP 717-7540 /749-6297 
Register Now

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