Friday 27 September 2013


Maharishi Institute of Science and Technology P.O. Box 5147, Tragarete Rd, POS Tel: 633-7016 Email:
You are invited to attend a Seminar on Building Resilience in Times of Stress

Venue:   NALIS, Abercromby St, Port of Spain
Date and Time:  Saturday 19th October, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Stress is high among members of the security forces and profes-sionals in Trinidad. Intensified competition, rapid market change, and fear of crime have business professionals living in a constant state of vigilance that creates wear and tear on the physiology. It is no surprise that many professionals are suffer-ing from high blood pressure, heart ailments, anxiety, depression and insomnia and relationship problems on and off the job.
To combat stress, more professionals in private and public life, locally and internationally, have been using Transcendental Meditation (TM). 

Presenters include:
  • Dr. Lana Boodhoo, CCT, M.D., MRCP (UK), MBBS. Consultant Cardiologist, Electrophysiologist
  • Steve Bailey, Psychologist. Managing Director of Behavioural Consultancy Services Ltd
  • Hayden Kublalsingh, BA, MBA. Director Electrical Industries Ltd
  • David Lee Sheng Tin, HHC, SI, Ph.D. National Director, Maharishi Institute of Science and Technology, Adjunct Associate Professor Of Physiology and Health, Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA.
  • Video presentation by:Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. "How TM can overcome stress buildup"
  • Video presentation by:Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown Medical School, USA. " TM and PTSD"

Research on Transcendental Meditation has been published, funded or presented by the following organizations:

 Space is limited. Please reserve your place early. RSVP

For more information contact Anthony 749-6297 Shelley 717-7540. visit

 Registration Form to the Right.

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