Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Stress Is a National Epidemic

Want to Reduce Stress  Improve Focus and Learning?
Maharishi Institute T&T helps to prevent and eliminate the epidemic of trauma and toxic stress among at-risk populations through Transcendental Meditation (TM). 

What is Transcendental Meditation (TM)?

  • Simple, natural, effortless technique
  • 20 minutes, twice a day
  • Practiced sitting comfortably with the eyes closed
  • Not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle
  • No special tools needed

  • What Happens When You Meditate?

  • Transcendental Meditation allows the active thinking mind to settle inward
  • Experience a naturally calm, peaceful level of awareness
  • Spontaneously experience quieter levels of thought
  • Enjoy rejuvenating rest of the mind and body

  • Transcendental Meditation Benefits

  • Reduced stress, anger, and depression
  • Lower blood pressure, decreased high cholesterol and 48% reduction in heart attack and stroke
  • Increased focus
  • Improved sleep
  • Twice the effectiveness of conventional approaches for reducing alcoholism and substance abuse
  • Reduced flashbacks and bad memories
  • Improved relationships and quality of life

  • How Do You Learn Transcendental Meditation?

    TM is taught in a personal course of instruction by a specially-trained, certified teacher.

    FOR more information on TM please contact us at: Tel: 868 633-7016 or email: maharishi.institute@yahoo.com Visit: www.trinbago.tm.org www.davidlynchfoundation.org


    Sunday, 25 September 2016

    Sunday, 4 January 2015

    NBC News Anchor Lester Holt reports on TM in San Francisco Schools

    Dear Friends,

    On Tuesday, December 30th, NBC Nightly News aired a highly positive report on how the Transcendental Meditation technique has transformed inner-city schools in San Francisco, USA. The TM technique was introduced four years ago, and since then, the improvements have been dramatic.

    Today, over 1,500 students and 170 teachers and administrators practice the TM technique together at school, twice a day. The once-skeptical administrators have seen amazing changes among the students, including a 75% decrease in suspensions and a significant increase in academic performance.

    Feel free to share this inspiring report from NBC News about the benefits of TM with your family, friends, and colleagues.

    Friday, 17 October 2014

    Thursday, 16 October 2014

    Light Therapy with Gems and Consultations


    Experience the soothing and nourishing effects of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

    How Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems works

    MLG uses
    special gem beamers or light projectors which enhance  the orderliness and nourishing qualities of precious stones.
    When suitable light shines through gemstones such as Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, Blue Sappires and Yellow Sapphires, its molecular characteristics and healing properties get imprinted in the specific frequencies (spectrum) of the transmitted light, and then transferred to the body—enlivening the body’s innate intelligence and restoring balance and health to the physiology.
    MLG gently nourishes the finer aspects of physiological functioning associated with the body’s nerve centers.The specific molecular composition and orderly crystalline structure of these gemstones endow them with balancing and healing effects. The vibrations and information that is carried out by the light awakens and resonates with the body’s own natural internal healing power.This stimulates self-healing and cleanses and harmonizes the subtle levels of the body in a very pleasant and gentle way.
    The treatments are non-invasive, deeply relaxing and enjoyable, and can produce blissful experiences.
    Read more of the experiences and benefits of MLG.
    Our National Director, Dr. David Lee Sheng Tin,author of the forthcoming book, Awaken Your Divinity- Creating Emotional Fitness, the Missing Link to Spiritual Growth",  is in Trinidad for a few weeks and will be offering  MLG treatment and pulse consultations.

    Dr. Lee Sheng Tin is an adjunct associate  professor of Physiology and Health at Maharishi University of Management. He is a board certified Health and Strategic Intervention Coach as well as a Traditional Chinese Medicine and Maharishi Ayurveda consultant.  He is considered  a leading expert in pulse diagnosis.

    For appointments call 717 7540 or 633 7016

    For more information on Dr. Lee Sheng Tin, visit: